Saturday, January 9, 2010


Hello from snowy England! Now, when I say snowy, I mean an overnight dusting amounting to no more than 4 inches, really. But this snow shuts down the people here… Here’s an excerpt from my journal on the 6th:
The UK’s definition of a snow day is any accumulation over 2 inches, apparently. The country basically shuts down, and people stay in their homes due to the roads. Unfortunate being a Minnesotan in this situation, because it’s a bit boring and seemingly fine out. Oh, well. They’re not used to it, and aren’t prepared for snow.
The average temperature is 30, if not warmer. They’re frozen, while I’m completely comfortable with the exception of cold toes because I didn’t bring boots. It’s a little comical, but I have to admit, cabin fever set in 2 days ago…
Fortunately on Friday I was allowed to go into London by myself for the day! I spent most of my time at The British Library working on speech and law school preparations. I then wandered the streets a bit from Victoria Station – I walked up near Buckingham, then over to Westminster looking at shops, but not finding anything worth going into. I remembered passing a Gap the other day, so found it and ended up buying a nice dress for only ₤12.99 ($20.00).
Going back in time… On Tuesday Tiffany came back from Paris, and we then finished up our tour of the major London landmarks. This is how I conveniently knew where the Gap was. We had passed it walking then. I somehow have found it easy to navigate myself in places we have visited once… the grocery store included. This makes me more at ease in traveling by myself, as I don’t have a map of anything but the Underground.
Speaking of the grocery store, I made dinner for Jane and Alan Thursday. I made Hamburger Rice Pie, a family recipe. It was a hit, and easy to make. It also gave Jane a break for the night. I’m told to get more recipes because I must cook some more.
I’m writing this ahead of time, so my time online is efficiently spent. I don’t want to crash the network again… It’s now lunch time – we’re having onions on toast (not as gross as it sounds!)
Hope all is well back home!

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